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Geostat: Average Salary for Men – 1468 GEL, for women – 906 GEL

18.03.19 22:53
According to the data published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), average salary in Georgia in the 4th quarter of 2018 was 1202 GEL, which is more by 61 GEL compared to the same data of previous year.

Statistics also show that the average salary of men is different from the average salary of women.

According to this data, on average men get paid 1468 GEL a month, whereas women get paid less by 562 GEL. Average salary for women is 906 GEL.

Based on this data, the average salary of men is 38% more than the average salary of women.

This does not mean that the there is a 38% salary difference among the women and men who work on the same position. This means that the overall value of the work done by women divided by the amount of employed women, is less by 38% compared to the overall value of the work done by men divided by the number of employed men.

Statistics also show that women are working on low-paying positions compared to men.

The report of World Economic Forum – ‘Gender Gap’ suggests that Georgia ranks 94th in ensuring equal responsibilities for men and women. Iceland, Norway and Finland are topping this list.

In the fourth quarter of 2018, the average salary of individuals hired in the business sector amounted to 1318.7 GEL (y/y increase by 77.2 GEL). High salaries were noticed in the fields of academia, science and technology (2484.9 GEL, y/y increase by 0.8%), as well as construction (1968.0 GEL, y/y increase by 1.5%).

Existing statistics are comprised based on the salaries of hired individuals. Thus, the data does not cover the salaries of thousands of individuals employed in a non-formal sector, employees who work without a contract or those who are freelancers.